Hygiene of populated places | ISSN: 2707-0441 eISSN: 2707-045X |
Issue 72, 2022 - Pages: 185-191
M.P. Sokolova1, M.Yu. Antomonov1
ÓÄÊ: 304.3:613.96
Goal. To evaluate the level of valeological consciousness and lifestyle features of modern youth.
Object and methods of research. The valeological awareness and orientation to health-preserving behavior of pupils and students was studied. For this, bibliographical, analytical methods and methods of sociological survey and mathematical statistics were used.
Research results and their discussion. Attention is focused on the peculiarities of health-forming attitudes and lifestyles of young people, taking into account gender, age, profession and place of residence. Such lifestyle components as sports, physical activity, healthy nutrition, being in the fresh air, etc. have been studied. Special attention was paid to bad habits – smoking, drinking alcoholic beverages, spending a long time using gadgets.
Conclusions. More than half of the respondents try to maintain a healthy lifestyle - they do sports, spend enough time in the fresh air, and follow a healthy diet. Negative trends were also revealed. Respondents spend a long time using computers and smartphones. 60.2% of respondents tried smoking at least once in their life. At the time of the survey, 10.6% of girls and 19.6% of boys smoked. More than half of the interviewed young people drink alcoholic beverages. At the same time, almost all respondents (98.0%) believe that they themselves are primarily responsible for maintaining health. This shows that awareness of a healthy lifestyle alone is not enough for health-promoting behavior – awareness and motivation are required.
Youth, valeological awareness, health-preserving behavior, healthy lifestyle, bad habits.
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Sokolova MP, Antomonov MYu. Features of health-forming attitudes of youth. Hygiene of populated places. 2022;72:185-191. Ukrainian.