Hygiene of populated places | ISSN: 2707-0441 eISSN: 2707-045X |
Issue 71, 2021 - Pages: 158-166
V.I. Lyashenko1, M.G. Levin1, O.M. Holichenkov1, O.Y. Kucherenko1
Today in Ukraine there is a question about the quality of biologically active compounds of plant origin, components of dietary supplements in terms of their safety for humans.
Purpose. To analyze the methods of analytical monitoring of biologically active compounds (BAC) of plant origin, which are part of dietary supplements (DS) and to identify issues of their possible further development. Pharmacopoeial and research analytical methods for qualitative and quantitative determination of biologically active compounds (BAC) of plant origin: flavonoid compounds, saponins and alkaloids - components of dietary supplements (DS) are considered.
In analytical studies of flavonoids, their qualitative identification of flavonoids is based on their physicochemical properties: determine the melting point, specific rotation, comparison of UV, IR, mass and NMR spectra with the spectra of known samples and use universal chemical reactions - color and color reactions with metal ions and chromogenic reagents. Both paper and thin layer chromatography, as well as colorimetric and spectrometric methods of analysis are used.
For the detection of saponins in plant raw materials used reactions that can be divided into three groups based on the physical properties of saponins (foaming reactions); those based on the chemical properties of saponins (color and sedimentary reactions) and those based on the biological properties of saponins (hemolysis). In biological methods of research of saponins use definition of hemolytic index and foam number for cardiac glucosides - cardiotonic activity on laboratory animals.
Of the modern research methods for the study of ALS often use high performance liquid chromatography. Today, several common color reactions are used that can be used to check for or identify alkaloids. However, color reactions are nonspecific, but they are often very sensitive and usually depend on the dehydration or oxidation of alkaloids to form a characteristic color.
flavonoids of compounds, saponins and alkaloids, physicochemical methods.
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