Hygiene of populated places | ISSN: 2707-0441 eISSN: 2707-045X |
Issue 71, 2021 - Pages: 145-152
M. Aksenov1, M. Fryziuk1, T. Pavlenko1, O. Fedorenko1
ÓÄÊ: 351.78:613.648.4:546.79(.296):316.77
The methodology for indoor radon concentration measuring in buildings are presented in the article.
Objective. Determination of procedures and requirements for measuring radon concentration in buildings to determine the average annual value of this value for compliance with hygiene standards.
It is shown that for the national radon monitoring system in order to obtain reliable data it is necessary to develop unified measurement protocols that establish a single procedure for organizing and conducting research.
The protocols include a set of practical requirements and procedures related to the choice of selecting a measurement approach of radon concentration, measuring instruments, measurement algorithm (choice of premises, positioning of measuring device in the room, duration and period of measurement, information to the residents etc.), estimating the annual mean value radon concentration, quality assurance in radon testing, and how the measurement results should be specified.
Protocols must consist of elements that take into account information from all stakeholders, including scientists, radon experts, builders, and officials.
A certain set of quality checks according to different scenarios, the main of which are the procedure for calibrating detectors and the participation of measuring laboratories in interlaboratory comparisons, provides a guarantee of the quality of measurements.
It is shown that long-term (integral) measurements are more reliable for assessing the compliance of the premises with the established hygienic standards for radon.
The protocols should be regularly reviewed and updated as necessary.
Conclusions. Introduction of the unified protocols of measurements of concentration of radon in air of houses, will allow to provide accuracy and quality of measurements and to receive comparable results of researches which are carried out by various laboratories.
indoor radon, measurement protocol for radon concentration, action plan.
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