Hygiene of populated places | ISSN: 2707-0441 eISSN: 2707-045X |
Issue 71, 2021 - Pages: 193-200
Å.Ì. Îmelchenko1, Î.Î. Polka1, Î.V. Lynchak1, L.À. Êàramzina1, L.R. Pedan1
Purpose: to determine the congenital malformations frequency among born alive children and their contribution to the disability of children.
Object and methods of research. The congenital malformations frequency and relative risk among born alive children were estimated; the frequency and structure of disability of children due to congenital malformations were calculated. The source of information was the data of departmental statistics of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine for 2019. The relative risk indexes were put on the map.
Research results and their discussion. The congenital malformations frequency among those born alive children in Ukraine was 23.47±0.28‰ in 2019, there was fivefold fluctuation in different regions. Congenital Malformations are still the main cause of children's disability (30.02±0.11%, the primary disability cause 22.72±0.33%). The specific weight of congenital malformations and chromosomal anomalies was the biggest in child disability among the children of 0-3 years old (57.48±0.55%). It decreased with children’s age: 36.56±0.28% among children 3-6 years old, 27.93±0.15% among the children 7-14 years old, 23.29±0.23% among the children 15-17 years old. The congenital malformations relative risk among born alive was calculated; areas with high (Chernivetska, Rivnenska, Khmelnytska, Vinnytska, Chernigivska, Ivano-Frankivska, Khersonska, Kharkivska, Poltavska, Volynska oblasts) and low (Kyiv, Luganska, Kyivska, Zaporizka, Zakarpatska, Kirovohradska, Mykolayivska, Donetska, Odeska regions) congenital malformations relative risk were found out. The congenital malformations distribution did not differ during 2002-2011.
Conclusions. The congenital malformations prophylaxis demonstrates a social and economic necessity for Ukraine. So the national genetic monitoring program should be provided in our country. This data are impotent because congenital malformations frequency is growing up among born alive children; also the specific weight of congenital malformations in child disabitity is growing up.
congenital malformations, disability, children.
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