Hygiene of populated placesISSN: 2707-0441 eISSN: 2707-045X
Issue 70, 2020   -   Pages: 71-77
P. Semashko1, A. Yarygin1, N. Steblii1, S. Konchakovska1

An analysis of the literature shows that over the past 50 years, the aviation industry has achieved a significant reduction in noise. However, the problem still remains and very often leads to numerous complaints from the population, who lives around airports. The current trend of uncontrolled housing in Ukraine around the airports may pose a threat to the population who lives in the surrounding areas.
Goal. Hygienic assessment of the acoustic condition adjacent to the airport "Borispol" areas of the nearest residential buildings and its impact on the health of the population living in these areas.
Object. The object of the study is a residential building located near Boryspil Airport and the population living there.
Research methods. Experimental (acoustic measurements) and calculations (acoustic calculations; calculations of the risk indices) research methods conducted hygienic assessment of the acoustic condition of the adjacent areas to the airport. Research results. As a result of the calculations of the indices, the risk is established that at the current intensity of flights and types of aircrafts included in the risk index, it is assessed as low and moderate. If the intensity of flights is increase in two times, the risk index is estimated as moderate and high level.
Conclusions. The acoustic condition of the nearest residential buildings adjacent to the airport in the villages of Martusivka, Hora, V. Oleksandrivka (Kyiv region) and Boryspil does not meet the requirements of LTO ¹463-2019 for day and night.
Aviation noise has a negative impact on the health of the population living in the buildings closest to Boryspil airport (increases the risk of diseases of the nervous, cardiovascular system and auditory analyzer).

åquivalent sound level, maximum sound level, risk index, airport, residential buildings.

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Semashko P., Yarygin A., Steblii N., Konchakovska S. Vplyv aviatsiinoho shumu aeroportu «Boryspil» na akustychnyi stan naiblyzhchykh naselenykh punktiv ta zdorovia naselennia [Influence of Aviation Noise of Boryspil Airport on Acoustic Condition of the Nearest Settlements and Population Health]. In : Hihiiena naselenykh mists : zb. nauk. pr. [Hygiene of Populated Places]. Kyiv ; 2021 ; 71 : 71-77 (in Ukrainian).