Hygiene of populated placesISSN: 2707-0441 eISSN: 2707-045X
Issue 67, 2017   -   Pages: 173-179
A.G. Platonova1, N.Ya. Yatskovskaya1, E.S. Shkarban1, H.M. Saenko1, T.E. Somova2

ÓÄÊ: 613.955

Analysis of current domestic and international experience in regulatory compliance in part of securing the health of children in the production, sale and use of toy indicates that the discrepancy of the age vital characteristics of a child: the European Community requirements of EU Directives and ISO are voluntary in nature and relate exclusively to toys that a child under 6 years can take by mouth. In harmonised European toy safety standards Technical regulations there are no require-ments for sanitary parameters and heavy metals content; allowed the use of 11 allergenic aromatic substances in table games for children aged 3 and up, come in and relating security solely injury pre-vention (falls, suffocation, inhalation, electrocution, etc.). Features the use of various types of raw materials for the composition of toys and the duration of direct contact with the skin and mucous membranes is the basis for the development of hygienic classification of this product and require op-timization of the list of safety performance indicators subject to mandatory control to ensure the preservation of the public health.

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