Hygiene of populated placesISSN: 2707-0441 eISSN: 2707-045X
Issue 70, 2020   -   Pages: 100-107
N. Aksenov1, M. Fryziuk1, T. Pavlenko1, O. Fedorenko1, O. Mykhailenko1

ÓÄÊ: 614.876:613.55:546.296

The article analyzes and determines the most effective directions of communication strategies and specific approaches to the choice of ways to inform the population about radon risks.
Communicating with the public about radon risks is an integral part of the national radon action plan, and radon risk communication is a specific requirement of the IAEA's Basic Safety Standards.
An effective risk communication strategy provides for a multi-stakeholder information flow involving stakeholders (all stakeholders) - representatives of communities living at risk, regulators, experts, radiation safety inspectors, and should focus on informing different audiences and recommending appropriate protective measures.
It is also very important to take into account both the demographic and socio-economic context of the population and the use of quantitative and qualitative approaches to information. National and regional departments, local health authorities and non-profit organizations should work together to share knowledge, experience, resources and ideas that will stimulate radon measurements and protective actions.
An effective component of a radon risk communication campaign is to identify target audiences that need to be informed and persuaded to take the necessary protection measures, and raising public awareness of the need to reduce radon levels in homes should be a key communication strategy.
In the process of risk communication, an important aspect is the approach to the choice of ways of informing and developing the content of information messages.
The effectiveness of communications will increase significantly if you join existing other information campaigns, such as energy efficiency, smoking control, labor protection and the like.
Communication should be an ongoing process and should be carried out at all stages of the implementation of the radon action plan.

radon, communication strategies, stakeholders, action plan.

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Aksenov N., Fryziuk M., Pavlenko T., Fedorenko O., Mykhailenko O. Komunikatsiini stratehii informuvannia pro radonovi ryzyky [Communication Strategies for Information about Radon Risks]. In : Hihiiena naselenykh mists : zb. nauk. pr. [Hygiene of Populated Places]. Kyiv ; 2021 ; 71 : 100-107 (in Ukrainian).