Hygiene of populated placesISSN: 2707-0441 eISSN: 2707-045X
Issue 68, 2018   -   Pages: 219-232
N.V. Ostanina1, O.B. Vlodek1, V.V. Briazkalo1, A.M. Cheremenko1

This article is is devoted to the basic historical stages of creation of informative infrastructure of the State Institution "Marzieiev Institute of Public Health NAMS of Ukraine".

1. Serdyuk A.M., Ostanina N.V. and Vlodek A.B. Otsenka effektivnosti vliyaniya razlichnykh vidov informatsii v rabote Ministerstva zdravookhraneniya Ukrainy [Assessment of the Effectiveness of the Influence of Various Types of Information in the Work of the Ministry of Public Health of Ukraine]. In : Aktualni pytannia hihiieny ta ekolohichnoi bezpeky Ukrainy na rubezhi stolit : zb. tez dop. naukovo-prakt. konf., prysviachenoi pamiati D.M. Kaliuzhnoho [Topical Issues of Hygiene and Environmental Safety of Ukraine at the Turn of the Century : Coll. Abs. of Sci.-Pract. Conf., dedicated to the memory of D.M. Kaliuzhnyi]. Êyiv ; 2000 ; Iss. 3 : 103-105 (in Russian).
2. Vlodek A.B., Bryazkalo V.V. and Shanovskiy A.G. Informatizatsiya v sisteme upravleniya zdravookhraneniya: obucheniye personala novym informatsionnym tekhnologiyam [Informatization in the Healthcare Management System: Staff Training in New Information Technologies]. In : Hihiena naselenykh mists [Hygiene of Populated Places]. Êyiv ; 1998 : 350-354 (in Russian).
3. Honcharuk V., Shanovskyi O. and Briazkalo V. Ukrainskyi zhurnal medychnoi tekhniky i tekhnolohii.1998 ; 4 : 90 (in Ukrainian).
4. Serdyuk A.M., Ostanina N.V., Bryazkalo V.V., Cheremenko A.N., Bosykh Yu.S., Vlodek A.B., Savina R.V. and Savitskaya E.I. O rabote Tsentra informatsionnykh resursov [On the Work of the Information Resource Center]. In : Hihiena naselenykh mists [Hygiene of Populated Places]. Êiev ; 2001 ; 38 : 489-494 (in Russian).
5. Ostanina N.V. Ukrainskyi zhurnal medychnoi tekhniky i tekhnolohii. 1998 ; 4 : 86 (in Ukrainian).
6. Ostanina N.V. Ukrainskyi zhurnal medychnoi tekhniky i tekhnolohii. 1998 ; 4 : 88 (in Ukrainian).
7. Ostanina N.V. and Cheremenko À.N. Ispolzovaniye sistemy Lotus Notes dlya avtomatizatsii raboty gosudarstvennoy laboratorii kontrolya kachestva lekarstvennykh preparatov [Use of Lotus Notes for the Automation of the Work of the State Laboratory for Drug Quality Control]. In : Hihiena naselenykh mists [Hygiene of Populated Places]. Êiev; 1998 ; 33 : 358-362 (in Russian).
8. Serdiuk A.M., Ostanina N.V., Bryazkalo V.V., Cheremenko A.N. and Bosykh Yu.S. Sistema proverki sertifikatov rezultatov analiza lekarstvennykh sredstv s ispolzovaniyem Internet na baze Lotus Notes [System for Certificate Verification of the Drug Analysis Results Using the Internet Based on Lotus Notes]. In : Hihiena naselenykh mists [Hygiene of Populated Places]. Êiev ; 2001 ; 38 : 494-498 (in Russian).
9. Ostanina N.V., Bryazkalo V.V. and Vlodek À.B. Nekotoryye voprosy informatsionnoy podderzhki raboty ispytatelnoy laboratorii [Some Issues of Information Support of Testing Laboratory]. In : Hihiena naselenykh mists [Hygiene of Populated Places]. Kiev ; 2013 ; 62 : 386-397 (in Russian).
10. Vlodek À.B. Nekotoryye voprosy povysheniya effektivnosti raboty veb-sayta Laboratorii kontrolya kachestva lekarstvennykh sredstv [Some Issues of the Improvement of the Efficiency of the Website of the Laboratory for Quality Control of Medicines]. In : Aktualni pytannia hihiieny ta ekolohichnoi bezpeky Ukrainy (desiati marzieievski chytannia) : zb. tez dop. naukovo-prakt. konf. [Topical Issues of Hygiene and Ecological Safety of Ukraine (The Tenth Marzieiev’s Reading): Coll. Abs. of Sci.-Pract. Conf. ]. Êyiv ; 2014 ; 14 : 299-300 (in Russian).
11. Vlodek À.B. Deiaki pytannia pidvyshchennia efektyvnosti spilkuvannia molodykh naukovtsiv Ukrainy [Some Issues of the Improvement of the Communication Effectiveness of Young Scientists of Ukraine]. In : Aktualni pytannia hihiieny ta ekolohichnoi bezpeky Ukrainy (odynadtsiati marzieievski chytannia) : zb. tez dop. naukovo-prakt. konf. [Topical Issues of Hygiene and Ecological Safety of Ukraine (The Eleventh Marzieiev’s Reading): Sci.-Pract. Conf. Abs. Coll.]. Kyiv ; 2015 ; 15 : 292-294 (in Ukrainian).
12. Vlodek À.B. [Increase of the Effectiveness of the Website of the Laboratory for Quality Control of Medicines]. In : Aktualni pytannia hihiieny ta ekolohichnoi bezpeky Ukrainy (odynadtsiati marzieievski chytannia) : zb. tez dop. naukovo-prakt. konf. [Topical Issues of Hygiene and Ecological Safety of Ukraine (The Eleventh Marzieiev’s Reading): Coll. Abs. of Sci.-Pract. Conf.]. Kyiv ; 2015 ; 15 : 294-297(in Ukrainian).
13. Ostanina N.V. and Vlodek À.B. Zabezpechennia veb-saitu laboratorii z kontroliu yakosti likarskykh zasobiv DU «IHZ NAMNU»: svoiechasnist ta yakist informatsii [Maintenance of the Website of the Laboratory for Quality Control of Medicines of the State Institution «PH NAMSU»: Timeliness and Quality of Information]. In : Aktualni pytannia hihiieny ta ekolohichnoi bezpeky Ukrainy (trynadtsiati marzieievski chytannia) : zb. tez dop. naukovo-prakt. konf. [Topical Issues of Hygiene and Ecological Safety of Ukraine (The Thirteenth Marzieiev’s Reading): Coll. Abs. of Sci.-Pract. Conf.]. Kyiv ; 2017 ; 17 : 50-53 (in Ukrainian).
14. Ostanina N.V., Vlodek O.B., Briazkalo V.V. and Cheremenko A.M. Informatsiini tekhnolohii u naukovo-praktychnii diialnosti instytutu hromadskoho zdorovia im. O.M. Marzieieva. Storinky istorii [Information Technologies in the Scientific and Practical Activity of the O.M.Marzieiev Institute for Public Health. Pages of History]. In : Istoriia medychnoi nauky, praktyky ta osvity : zb. statei ta tez dop. naukovo-prakt. konf. [History of Medical Science, Practice and Education: Collection of Articles and Abstracts of the Scientific and Practical Conference]. Kyiv ; 2018 : 71-77 (in Ukrainian).