Hygiene of populated placesISSN: 2707-0441 eISSN: 2707-045X
Issue 72, 2022   -   Pages: 117-123
M.Ya. Bomba1, S.V. Maikova1, U.B. Lototska-Dudyk2

ÓÄÊ: 338.483(477.83)

Goal. Elucidation of modern scientific achievements regarding the preventive and functional properties of horseradish as a spice and raw material for the production of food products, as well as the justification of its wider use as health food in accordance with the modern achievements of nutrition.
Object and research methods. The article examines the unique properties of horseradish. methods. Sources and methods of information search in domestic and foreign printed and electronic publications are as follows: methods of synthesis and analysis, comparison and generalization of information data.
Research results and their discussion. According to domestic and foreign scientific and practical data, the healing properties of horseradish have been proven. Thanks to a wide range of vital substances, it is necessary for a person for many biochemical reactions, namely - for the activation of a number of enzymes, it is useful to use it for colds, various inflammatory processes, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver diseases, gout, rheumatism, bladder, skin diseases, as well as protection against covit, since horseradish juice is a real antibiotic of natural origin, but its potential in health nutrition is still incompletely used.Because modern food products of daily use should not only bring pleasure and provide the body with nutrients, but also perform therapeutic and health-prophylactic functions: reduce the risk of developing various diseases, promote protection against adverse environmental conditions, and reduce the impact of an improper lifestyle.
Conclusions. The article examines the unique properties of horseradish. Horseradish is a unique type of plant variety, which is a source of drugs with a preventive and functional direction, which opens up wide possibilities of its use as a spice for the development and expansion of the assortment of health-giving food products and in the form of various biologically active supplements.

Horseradish, medicinal properties, spectrum of use, health food.

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Bomba MYa, Maikova SV, Lototska-Dudyk UB. Horseradish as a spice with unique medicinal properties and prospects for its application in healthy nutrition (review). Hygiene of populated places. 2022;72:117-123. Ukrainian.