Hygiene of populated placesISSN: 2707-0441 eISSN: 2707-045X
Issue 68, 2018   -   Pages: 81-86
N.M. Koval1

ÓÄÊ: 614.71:667.621.3

Objective. Analysis of urban planning conditions for the placement of asphalt concrete plants (ABZ) and the impact of harmful factors on the health of the population and the quality of the envi-ronment, which are created during the operation of ABZ.
Materials and methods. The parameters of the technology for the production of asphalt con-crete on mobile asphalt mixing plants (AMS) produced in Germany of different capacities (23.1 thou-sand tons and 50 thousand tons per year) located in Cherkasy and Volyn regions are analyzed. Sani-tary and hygienic assessment of the levels of influence at the boundary of the sanitary protection zone (SPZ) was carried out on the basis of the results of the calculated data and full-scale studies of at-mospheric air samples, noise levels provided in the protocols of specialized certified laboratories.
Results. ABZ are located, as a rule, on industrial sites, which since Soviet times functioned as enterprises for the production of asphalt concrete. At present, these industries are undergoing recon-struction with full or partial modernization of equipment or new construction is underway. According to the results of the analysis, not a single industrial site satisfies the requirements of Appendix 4 to [3], since for the period of organizing these productions for the current period town-planning condi-tions have changed significantly, in which it is not possible to organize a SPZ 1000 m. ABZ Industrial Site, which are considered from all sides surrounded by existing residential buildings, as a rule, one-, two-story.
For the AMS (50 thousand tons / year), the calculated indicators did not exceed the standards near the nearby houses at a distance of 248-316 m from the source of emissions of the AMS (in terms of MPC): solid particles, undifferentiated in composition – 0.24-0.37; nitrogen dioxide – 0.33-0.40; carbon oxide – 0.1-0.12; C12-C19 saturated hydrocarbons – 0.48-0.53; xylene, phenol – 0.46-0.50; for the AMS (23.1 thousand tons / year) – at a distance of 300-310-330-350 m from the source of emissions of the AMS (in terms of MPC): solid particles, undifferentiated in composition – 0.61-0.78; nitrogen dioxide – 0.13-0.14; carbon oxide – less than 0.10; saturated hydrocarbons C12-C19 – 0.52-0.55; xylene – 0.53-0.56; phenol – 0.54-0.56.
The actual indicators of air pollution for the AMS (23.1 thousand tons / year) did not exceed the standards near the nearby houses at a distance of 300-310-330-350 m from the emission source of the AMS (in terms of MPC): dust – 0.15-0,42; nitrogen dioxide – 0,22-0,29; carbon oxide – 0.68-0.72; sulfurous anhydride, xylene – less than 0.10; phenol – 0.58-0.70.
Conclusions. The safety of the ABZ should be ensured through the introduction and use of modern technical and technological solutions, high-quality raw materials, highly efficient dust re-moval, the introduction of additional protective measures of a planning and technological nature in order not to exceed the regulatory levels of exposure to harmful factors at the border of the SPZ and near the nearest housing.

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