Hygiene of populated placesISSN: 2707-0441 eISSN: 2707-045X
Issue 67, 2017   -   Pages: 240-246
D.O. Kalinichenko1

ÓÄÊ: 613.96 + 314.172

The article high light sand analyzes peculiarities of reproductive behaviour of girls of different age groups, determines the factors that defineit.
The aim of the work was to study reproductive behavior of 17-22 years m old girlsandrepro-ductiveattitudesforuseindevelopingofregionaldemographicpolicy-andmonitoringdemographicsituations.
The study involved 284 students of higher educational institutions. Results of anonymous ques-tioning were analysed in two age groups 17-19 years old – ² group (145 people) and 20-22 years old – ²² group (139 people). There was used specially developed questionnaire for an ony mous survey which questions concerned reproductive attitudes, level and sources of awareness about sex educa-tion, the beginning go sexual life, the use of contraceptives, awareness of the own HIV status.
Results. According to medical examinations 76.92% of girls are recognized as healthy, 23.08% of those examined have chronic diseases of the reproductive system. The debut of sexual ac-tivity represented maximally of the age range of 17-18 years (34.57%) and 15-16 years (19.15%).In 5.53% of students, sexual inter courses were accompanied by pregnancy, followed by its interruption. According to the survey, in 31.71% of students who had in the anamnesis accidental sexual inter-courses, diseases of the reproductive system were identified. The main source of information concern-ing reproductive behavior, reproductive health among young people are coevals and friends (48.40%), medical internet resources (45.74%), conversations with parents (32.45%), mass media and advertising (28,72%), the matic classes in educational in stitutions (17,02%). The study found that 73.31% of respondents consider two children to be the perfect number of children in the family, preference is given to three children in family of 16,17% of girls, one child is preferred by 7,89% of girls. Childlessness is considered to be the “ideal” option of 2.26% of students. With appropriate quality of life, two children in the family would like to have 70.40% of the respondents, one and three children would like to have 11.55% and 12.27% of students respectively. Under the seconditions 4.33% of girls would not want to have a child at all. However, at the time of the survey only 49.82% of girls would like to have two children, 5.05% would like to have three, 19.86% would like to have one child and 25.27% do not plan to have children.
Conclusions. The study of reproductive behaviour and reproductive attitudes is important for understanding and for ecasting of tendencies of birth rates in the region, for developing concrete measures for effective demographic and family policy.

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