Hygiene of populated placesISSN: 2707-0441 eISSN: 2707-045X
Issue 72, 2022   -   Pages: 41-51
I.V. Hushchuk1, Yu.Ye. Liakh1, R.V. Safonov2, I.V. Karpovych1, O.V. Kulakova2, N.V. Sedlyar2
1 Research center of “Human Ecology and Public Health“ National University “Ostroh Academy”
2 State Institution «Rivne Regional Laboratory Center of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine»

ÓÄÊ: 614.777:622.5

Goal. The purpose of the work is to carry out an ecological and hygienic assessment of the state of surface waters of the Rivne region.
Objective. The object of the research is the surface waters of the Rivne region.
Research materials and methods: the work uses data and materials of the Rivne Regional Laboratory Center of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, Department of Ecology of the Rivne Regional State Administration for the period 2015-2019. During the research, the following methods were used: sanitary-hygienic, mathematical-statistical, epidemiological, theoretical (analysis, comparison, generalization).
Research results and their discussion. Poor quality water can cause many diseases. Further pollution of water bodies can lead to irreversible consequences and environmental disasters. The Rivne region has a large number of surface water bodies, 171 rivers with a length of more than 10 km flow through its territory, there are 150 lakes, 12 reservoirs and 1,688 ponds. The lakes are mainly concentrated in the Polissia part. According to the summarized data of the state statistical reporting, the largest amount of water is needed by the industrial sector of the economy, followed by housing and communal services in the region. Due to long-term operation of water supply and drainage systems, in most cases, the network of sewage facilities is in an unsatisfactory condition, and the treatment facilities of the region work inefficiently. The rivers Styr, Sluch, Horyn, Ikva, Zamchisko, Ustya, and Berezhanka are most affected by anthropogenic influences. To improve the quality of surface waters of the region, a certain set of ecological, hygienic and sanitary-technical measures aimed at their reproduction, which would ensure the maximum restoration of the natural balance of river ecosystems at the lowest cost, is proposed. The main ones are: organization and regulation of water protection zones and coastal strips, protected, sanatorium-resort and recreation zones, landscaping, agrotechnical and hydrotechnical measures, implementation of effective state supervision and control over compliance with environmental and sanitary legislation; organization of effective monitoring of the state of surface water bodies and sources of their pollution, etc. The proposed measures were developed in accordance with current legal acts and scientific and practical developments of domestic scientists.

Surface water bodies, wastewater, pollution, risks, population.

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Hushchuk IV, Liakh YuYe, Safonov RV, Karpovych IV, Kulakova OV, Sedlyar NV. Environmental and hygienic assessment of the condition of the surface waters of the Rivne region. Hygiene of populated places. 2022;72:41-51. Ukrainian.