Hygiene of populated placesISSN: 2707-0441 eISSN: 2707-045X
Issue 73, 2023   -   Pages: 74-83
A.V. Koblianska1

ÓÄÊ: 614.7:614.878:502.743:083 (061.1EU)

The purpose of the work is to assess the situation of regulation of biocides in Ukraine at each stage of their life cycle and the existing potential to identify shortcomings to introduce their rational regulation to reduce the negative impact on the health of the country.
Material and methods: bibliographic, bibliosemantic, hygienic, analytical. The analysis includes sources containing state and international experience in assessing the impact of chemicals, in particular, biocides on the environment and health of the population.
Results. Analysis of the situation was carried out in the fields of: production, import, export, transportation, use and utilization of biocides; Legal instruments and non-regulatory mechanisms for rational management of chemicals, including biocides; Ministries, agencies and other state institutions involved in biocide management; Activities of industry, interested NGOs and research centers for biocide management; Interagency commissions and coordination mechanisms; Information management, access and use; Technical infrastructure; Ensuring readiness for emergencies (chemical accidents), appropriate measures and subsequent activities; Awareness and awareness of problems by employees and public; training of target groups and specialists; International relations; Biocide management resources are available and necessary.
The result was a national overview of the current situation with Biocide management (pesticides and disinfectants) in Ukraine, which was prepared within the framework of the project "Strengthening capacity the potential for safe management of biocides (pesticides and disinfectants) to reduce the impact on the population in Ukraine" (2017-2018), that was implemented by the European Regional Bureau of WHO and European Bureau the WHO Center for Environment and Health as part ouickf the Quick Start of the SAICM (Strategic Approachment Program to International Regulation of Chemicals) with the Support of the UN Environmental Program (UNEP)
Summarized information on the production, import, export, transportation, use of biocides in Ukraine and identified problems in the field of waste management, as well as legal, institutional, administrative and technical aspects of biocide management in Ukraine; An expert evaluation of the current state of biocide treatment in Ukraine has been provided and proposals and recommendations for strengthening the potential and creating a system of safe management of biocides in Ukraine during their life cycle were formed in order to eliminate the negative impact of biocides on the environment and human health.
Conclusions. The analysis covered both significant gaps that exist on rational regulation of biocides and strengths, since there is a serious team of specialists in Ukraine (primarily in the field of public health and hygiene), which requires the development and support of relevant state policy in this area.

Hygiene, chemicals, environmental protection and population, technical documents of state and international importance.

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Koblianska AV. [Features of using biocides in Ukraine and the ability to protect the population from their negative impact]. Hygiene of Populated Places. 2023;73:74-83. Ukrainian.