Hygiene of populated placesISSN: 2707-0441 eISSN: 2707-045X
Issue 70, 2020   -   Pages: 84-92
L.A. Tomashevska1, T.E. Kravchun1, N.G. Nikitina1, N.V. Didyk1, T.A. Chubuk1

ÓÄÊ: ÓÄÊ 613.648.2

The aim. Study of hematological parameters under conditions of combined action on the body of experimental animals.
Subject and methods. The effect of electromagnetic radiation on the state of morphological elements of the blood. Hematological, statistical methods.
Results. A two-month experiment was performed on white rats exposed to EMR at the levels of 100, 500 and 2500 μW/cm2 and acoustic noise of 85 dBA. The structure of the leukogram changed due to changes in the absolute number of leukocytes (increase), lymphocytes (decrease), monocytes (decrease) and granulocytes (decrease). Since lymphocytes belong to immunocompetent cells and assessing the nature of their changes during 60 days of the experiment, we can assume that there is an increase in regenerative processes in the lymphocyte population and activation of the immune system by damaging factor, followed by gradual depletion of compensatory mechanisms and suppression of suppressor mechanisms. Decreased hemoglobin levels and a decrease in the average concentration of hemoglobin in erythrocytes may indicate low blood O2 saturation and the development of anemia, with the subsequent development of dysfunction of all organs and systems of the body.
Conclusions. The nature of changes in hematological parameters during the experiment may be a manifestation of mobilization of functional systems and the formation of adaptive responses aimed at maintaining the stability of homeostasis in the studied factors with possible prolongation of their further disruption, suppression of regenerative processes in the blood and depletion of compensators, or the development of various reparation reactions that provide protective - restorative functional systems to maintain the dynamic balance of the organism with the environment.

magnetic field, acoustic noise, compatible action, blood system, hematological parameters.

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