Hygiene of populated places | ISSN: 2707-0441 eISSN: 2707-045X |
Issue 71, 2021 - Pages: 210-219
V.V. Stankevich1, I.V. Kakura1, O.M. Cherevko1
ÓÄÊ: 351.78:614.79:631.812.2
Goal. Comparative sanitary and hygienic assessment of the indicators of the impact of the reconstructed objects of liquid mineral fertilizers on the environment, with the substantiation of the size of the SPZ.
Objects and methods of research. Facilities - two enterprises with different technical processes (ammonia warehouse and point of acceptance and transshipment of liquid mineral fertilizers). The work was performed by the method of hygienic analysis of the conditions of enterprises and comparative sanitary and hygienic assessment of the features of environmental impact. The study used data from laboratory instrumental studies of the Sumy Regional Laboratory Center of the Ministry of Health and Essay LLC, performed according to the approved methods on the certified equipment and the results of sanitary and epidemiological inspections of facilities by the territorial departments of the State Food and Consumer Service.
Research results and their discussion. The industrial sites of the facilities are located next to the railway in the territories of the former similar enterprises of agricultural chemistry. Both facilities after reconstruction with the installation of modern equipment for handling and storage of liquid fertilizers. The technical equipment of liquid fertilizer pumping systems (pipelines, pumps, shut-off valves and fuses) is similar at the facilities. In the ammonia consumables facility, it is possible to store 2,500 tons of ammonia at a time, taking into account the density of the liquid phase of the product. Another facility is based on the principle of a rail transshipment point, the industrial site is adjacent to the iron tracks on three sides. The capacity of the enterprise for transshipment is: 6600 t/year of ammonia and 1000 t/year of urea-ammonia mixture (CAS). Mineral fertilizers are not stored at the site, only reloaded from railway cars to vehicles.
Justification of SPZ sizes for objects is carried out on the basis of calculated indicators of scat-tering of pollutants in the surface layer of the atmosphere and sound levels created by technological equipment and transport. According to the calculations, the normative values have not been exceeded. The calculated indicators are confirmed by laboratory data (protocols of LLC "Essay" ¹58 from 11.05.21 and SI "Sumy OLC MOZU" 70170-177 from 12.07.21), according to which the concentration of priority pollutants in total with the background near the existing objects of restriction (residential buildings and garden plots) did not exceed the normative values, which meets the requirements of p. Therefore, the areas of distribution of ammonia and CAS emissions during their transshipment do not exceed 100 m from the sources of formation, which is commensurate with the regulatory distance from the railway tracks and transshipment points on them. Ammonia emission distribution areas do not extend beyond 300 m from the industrial site. The analysis of all aspects of arrangement with the use of modern technological equipment with environmental protection measures and the activities of facilities for handling liquid mineral fertilizers showed that provided the technological regulations of the enterprise do not create excessive environmental impact and the size of SPZ for them can be reduced. Based on the real indicators of the impact of the liquid mineral fertilizer overload point on the environment and living conditions of the local population, confirmed by the actual data of laboratory tests, the object is classified according to class IV sanitary classification with standard 100 m SPZ. The obtained data provide a reasonable basis for determining the size of SPZ for such points of transshipment of mineral fertilizers without their storage on industrial sites at the level of 100 m from all extreme sources of sources and transshipment sites, and at excessive capacity - at the level of 200 m. It should be noted that the obtained indicators and the characteristics of their activity allow us to state that the SPZ for ammonia warehouses should not exceed 500 m, and for consumables - 300 m.
Conclusions. It is established that according to all signs of anthropogenic impact, modern facilities for handling liquid mineral fertilizers using modern technical equipment with environmental protection measures no longer require such significant SPZ sizes that were identified for former en-terprises with old technologies and the issue of amending existing sanitary rules is relevant. regarding the adjustment of both the approximate size of the SPZ, and the provision of clarifications regarding the type of facilities (basic and consumable warehouses, transshipment points of mineral fertilizers) and the conditions of their activities. It is also necessary to develop a domestic normative document to replace the repealed sanitary rules on highly toxic substances (HTS) to regulate the issues of their treatment and their classification taking into account international approaches.
liquid mineral fertilizers, warehouse, transshipment point, impact indicators, sanitary protection zone, standards.
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Stankevich V.V., Kakura I.V., Cherevko O.M. Sanitarno-hihiienichni aspekty umov rozmishchennia obiektiv povodzhennia z ridkymy mindobryvamy [Sanitary and Hygienic Aspects of Location of Objects of Handling of Liquid Mineral Fertilizers]. In : Hihiiena naselenykh mists : zb. nauk. pr. [Hygiene of Populated Places]. Kyiv ; 2021 ; 71 : 210-219 (in Ukrainian).