Hygiene of populated places | ISSN: 2707-0441 eISSN: 2707-045X |
Issue 71, 2021 - Pages: 138-144
L.A. Tomashevskaya1, T.Ye. Kravchun1, V.S. Tsytsyruk1
ÓÄÊ: 614.718:613.648.2
Objective: advancement of specific features in the injection of electromagnetic vipromagnetism and combination of tetracycline with sodium nitrate for erythrocytic indicators.
Materials and methods: combined effect of electromagnetic radiation and combination of tet-racycline with sodium nitrate on erythrocyte parameters.
Results. As a result of the chronic experiment, new scientific data were obtained on the isolated and combined action of the magnetic field at the level of 50 Hz and the complex of sodium nitrate with tetracycline on the erythrocyte parameters of experimental animals. It was found that the isolat-ed action of the magnetic field at the level of 50 Hz and the isolated action of the complex of sodium nitrate with tetracycline do not have a significant negative impact on erythrocyte parameters. In the group of animals exposed to electromagnetic radiation and the combination of tetracycline with sodium nitrate, a decrease in hemoglobin, a decrease in the average concentration of hemoglobin in erythrocytes and an increase in the width of erythrocyte distribution. The above-mentioned shifts in erythrocyte parameters can be indirect signs: violations of physiological processes occurring in the body, slowing down of redox reactions, hypoxic manifestations, which cannot but affect the functional state of various body systems.
Conclusions. Hematological studies revealed qualitative and quantitative changes in erythrocyte cells. It was found that the nature and severity of the effects depended on the active factors and the combination of these factors. Also important in this experiment is the duration of the factor, because the most pronounced and significant changes in the studied indicators appeared only after 120 days (4 months) of exposure.
electromagnetic radiation, sodium nitrate, tetracycline, nitrosamines, combined action, erythrocyte blood system.
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