Hygiene of populated placesISSN: 2707-0441 eISSN: 2707-045X
Issue 72, 2022   -   Pages: 136-142
A.G. Platonova1, N.Y. Yatskovska1, K.S. Shkarban1, T.U. Zinoveva1

ÓÄÊ: 613.954: 371.72:616-071.3

Objective. To determine the list of teaching aids provided by the educational environment of the New Ukrainian School in the junior classes of educational institutions and to assess the possible negative consequences for the health of its users.
Materials and methods. Structural and logical, bibliosemantic, hygienic.
Results. An analytical review of domestic and foreign original scientific publications and current normative, methodical, organizational-pedagogical, scientific-methodical acts was carried out regarding the creation of conditions and the range of teaching aids and equipment provided by the educational environment in the primary grades of the New Ukrainian School. The list of teaching aids in junior classes of educational institutions has been established. The polygraphic design of 105 printed materials intended for use in grades 2-4 of the NUS, as well as the quality of 39 electronic teaching aids, was evaluated.
Conclusions. Among the entire range of teaching aids and equipment provided for use in the primary classes of NUS, the aids related to the visual load on children's bodies, i.e. printed products and multimedia teaching aids, are of particular concern. Education of schoolchildren in such conditions is associated with the constant combined influence of electromagnetic radiation and acoustic influence, additional static and psycho-emotional stress, greater intensification of the educational process and high visual load in connection with the introduction of electronic forms of textbooks with different fonts, the need to maintain a high rate of assimilation of educational material in the conditions of online education.

Children of primary school age, education reform "New Ukrainian School", teaching aids, safe educational environment.

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Platonova AG, Yatskovska NY, Shkarban KS, Zinoveva TU. Characteristics of teaching aids provided by the new Ukrainian school for students of lower grades Hygiene of populated places. 2022;72:136-142. Ukrainian.