Hygiene of populated placesISSN: 2707-0441 eISSN: 2707-045X
Issue 69, 2019   -   Pages: 106-122
V.Yu. Dumanskyi1, N.G. Nikitina1, P.V. Semashko1, S.V. Bitkin1, S.V. Zotov1, A.P. Bezverkha1, Ye.A. Serdiuk1, A.V. Gots1, S.S. Halak1, N.M. Steblii1

ÓÄÊ: 613.648.2:613.644

Object of research. The Boryspil International Civil Aviation Airport and its equipment (radio navigation, radio equipment, aircraft, technogenic electromagnetic, acoustic radiation).
The purpose of the work is to substantiate scientifically and improve current theoretical ap-proaches to the estimation of the influence of electromagnetic and acoustic pollution on the state of the environment, to substantiate measures aimed at improving the environment and prevention of dis-eases.
Research methods. Analytical, mathematical, physical (measurements of thå levels of elec-tromagnetic, acoustic, ultraviolet radiation), sanitary and hygienic metods (survey of the territories adjacent to the A/p "Boryspil").
Results. For the first time in Ukraine, sanitary and hygienic characteristic of the conditions for the siting and operation of radio equipment as the sources of electromagnetic contamination of the territory of the Boryspil International Airport and adjacent ones is given; technical data on acous-tic (noise) pollution of the residential areas adjacent to the airport, which is created by air transport (aircrafts) are presented; regularities of the territorial spatial distribution of the electromagnetic and acoustic pollution in the environment were established; the approach adapted to the European stand-ards to solve the issues of the reduction of acoustic pollution of rural areas adjacent to civil aviation airports was developed; the methodological basis for the study of joint effect of electromagnetic and acoustic radiation was developed.
1. The results of the sanitary and hygienic survey of the location of radio navigation facilities of the Boryspil airport showed that their sanitary protection zones were within technical territories, therefore they do not pose a threat to the health of the population living at the adjacent territories.
2. The fleet of aircrafts, used in the Boryspil Airport, consists mainly of new generation air-planes that meet the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) requirements by their acoustic characteristics.
3. The acoustic condition of nearby residential buildings in the Boryspil city of the Kyiv oblast does not meet the requirements of SSN No. 463-2019 for daytime. The main runway strip has a ma-jor impact on the territory.
4. The acoustic condition of the nearby residential buildings of the territories of the settlements of Martusivka, Hora, V. Oleksandrivka of the Kyiv oblast does not meet the requirements of SSN ¹463-2019 for day and night time. The additional runway strip has the major impact on these terri-tories.
The permissible levels of aviation noise in Ukraine were established to be higher than the WHO recommended levels (40 dBA for night time by the equivalent level) but meet the intermediate target parameters (55 dBA for night time equivalent).

electromagnetic field of HF, UHF, VHF ànd microwave ranges, aviation noise.

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11. Burden of Disease from Environmental Noise. Quantification of Healthy Life Years Lost in Eu-rope. Bonn : WHO Regional Office for Europe ; 2011 : 126 p. URL :
12. Derzhavni sanitarni normy i pravyla zakhystu naselennia vid vplyvu elektromahnitnykh vyprominiuvan ¹239-96 z urakhuvanniam vnesenykh zmin MOZ Ukrainy vid 21.11.2017 r., Nakaz ¹1477 [State Sanitary Norms and Regulations of the Protection of the Population from the Im-pact of Electromagnetic Radiation ¹239-96, Taking into Account the Alterations of the MPHU, 21.11.2017, Order ¹1477] (in Ukrainian). URL : https://zakon.rada.gov.ua/laws/show/z0488-96

Dumanskyi V.Yu., Nikitina N.G., Semashko P.V., Bitkin S.V., Zotov S.V., Bezverkha A.P., Ye.A. Serdiuk, Gots A.V., Halak S.S., Steblii N.M. Hihiienichna otsinka elektromahnitnoho ta akustychnoho vyprominiuvannia u zhytlovii zabudovi prylehlykh terytorii aeroportu “Boryspil” [Hygienic assessment of electromagnetic and acoustic radiation at the residential areas of the adjacent territories of the Boryspil airport]. In : Hihiiena naselenykh mists : zb. nauk. pr. [Hygiene of Populated Places]. Kyiv ; 2019 ; 69 : 106-122 (in Ukrainian).