Hygiene of populated places | ISSN: 2707-0441 eISSN: 2707-045X |
Issue 71, 2021 - Pages: 75-81
I.M. Kovtunenko1, T.V. Tsarenok1
ÓÄÊ: 614.7:616-022. 8:628.511.132
Currently, immune-dependent diseases pose a serious threat to human population health. Allergens in the form of persistent organic compounds, pesticides, herbicides, plasticizers, surfactants, drugs, etc. come with air, water, food. Contaminated atmosphere, poor quality water, synthesized food, changes in the natural factors of climate and geomagnetic field of the Earth can significantly affect the natural, formed in evolutionary processes, the immune response of the human body to various pathological agents, both chemical and biological.
Objective. To review the situation regarding the determination of pollen air pollution in Ukraine.
Object and methods of research. Analytical, bibliographic and bibliosemantic methods were used.
Research results. It is proved that within Ukraine there are regional features, both in palyno-logical spectra of allergenic plants and sensitization to pollen aeroallergens in patients of different regions, which is exacerbated by differences in climatic characteristics and increasing pressure of climate change on ecosystems.
It is analyzed that among pollen aeroallergens in different regions of Ukraine there are their recognized "favorites", they have reliably occupied cities in the regional aeropalinological spectra, which can be the basis of hygienic regulations for biological air pollution.
It is shown that in Ukraine there are scientific institutions and specialists that can be used as mentors in the training of specialists in laboratory diagnostics of pollen pollution.
pollen, aeroallergens, pollen pollution, climate change, allergy, immunotherapy, COVID-19.
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