Hygiene of populated places | ISSN: 2707-0441 eISSN: 2707-045X |
Issue 73, 2023 - Pages: 17-30
O. Turos1, A. Petrosian1, T. Tsarenok1, N. Brezitska1, V. Morhulova1, H. Davydenko1, L. Mykhina1, ². Kobzarenko1, O. Sidorenko1
ÓÄÊ: 614.71:351.777:504.06
Objective: analysis of the ecological and hygienic situation of air pollution by industrial enterprises and vehicles emissions in Ukraine in general and in the studied territories, in particular for the evaluation approaches development regarding the effectiveness of management decision-making (including climate change adaptation measures) at the state level.
Materials and methods: has been conducted an analysis of air pollution by industrial enterprises and vehicles emissions in Ukraine on the basis of the official statistical reporting data (2015, 2018-2021) by using the one-dimensional statistics methods in the EXCEL software complex environment; source information – state statistical observation forms No. 2-TP (air/annual).
Results. Has been established a general decrease in air pollution from stationary and mobile sources emissions, which is mainly related to the operation of the United Forces in the east of the country (by almost 8.6%), industrial production decline (Covid-19 pandemic) and implementation of environmental protection measures based on the official statistical data for 2015, 2018-2021. At the same time, there is a gradual pollution increase in the "conditionally clean" regions of Ukraine, such as Zhytomyrskà, Volynska, Khmelnytska, Khersonska (on average by 6.16% annually). It was determined that the leading positions of air pollution by emissions of particulate matter, carbon dioxide, nitrogen dioxide and sulfur dioxide are occupied (2021; the trend persists year by year): Donetska, Dnipropetrovska, Ivano-Frankivska, Kharkivska, Kyivska (Kyiv city), Vinnytska, and Zaporizka regions. This situation is due to the concentration of a large number of powerful thermal power plants (use of fossil fuels), processing (metallurgical, coke-chemical, machine-building, mining, etc.) industrial enterprises and the presence of powerful traffic flows. The highest emissions of non-methane volatile organic compounds are typical for: Poltavska, Ivano-Frankivska, Kharkivska, Vinnytska and Lvivska regions, which is proof of the agricultural and chemical industrial enterprises concentration in these areas. It is necessary to develop and implement the strategies or action plans for mitigation and adaptation to climate change, related to greenhouse gas emissions.
Conclusions: has been shown that industrial air pollution (63% of total) in Ukraine is an urgent problem not only of the regions (in particular, technologically loaded), but also the state in general, which is proven by numerous scientific studies and gross pollution analysis in different countries from industrial enterprises and vehicles emissions. The conducted research made it possible to identify dangerous factors of air pollution in different regions of Ukraine for the further impact levels assessments and determination of medical, social and economic consequences for the human health. This was prompted the search for complex methodological approaches, which will be aimed at improving the air quality and the human health in Ukraine based on cost-benefit analysis estimates for the environmental protection and preventive development management measures (in particular, adaptation to climate change).
Air pollution, pollutant, gross emissions, climate change, risk management.
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Turos O, Petrosian A, Tsarenok T, Brezitska N, Morhulova V, Davydenko H, Mykhina L, Kobzarenko ², Sidorenko O [Ecological and hygienic analysis of air pollution by industrial enterprises and vehicles emissions in Ukraine (for 2015, 2018-2021)]. Hygiene of Populated Places. 2023;73:17-30. Ukrainian.