Hygiene of populated places | ISSN: 2707-0441 eISSN: 2707-045X |
Issue 71, 2021 - Pages: 177-187
S.V. Hozak1, O.T. Yelizarova1, M.Yu. Antomonov1, T.V. Stankevych1, A.M. Parats1
ÓÄÊ: 613.955:613.71/72
Objective. To establish an association between the level of physical activity and the health of adolescents and develop optimal levels of their physical activity.
Materials and methods. The study included the results of a survey of the physical activity (PA) of adolescents 11-15 years old (n=415) and a study of their health (n=98). Statistical processing was carried out using the STATISTICA 8.0. Linear regression analysis was used to predict the optimal duration and frequency of the different types of PA for the adolescents stratified by sex and age.
Results. The study was shown that the level of total PA in adolescents was 244.8±4.6 minutes per day. More than 60 minutes per day of moderate-to-vigorous PA (MVPA) have achieved 30.8±2.3% of adolescents (45.4±3.9% of boys and 21.4±2.6% of girls; p<0.001). This study showed that among the adolescents 22.7±0.5% were in the low-level of the comprehensive health index, 49.5±0.7% in the middle level and 27.8±0.5% in the high-level. The duration of the PA of light, mod-erate, vigorous and MVPA types statistically differed between the groups with high and low levels of the comprehensive health index (p<0.05-0.001).
It is established that the contribution of physical activity to the structure of health indicators is 13.9-14.3% (p<0.001). Mathematical models for calculating optimal levels of physical activity have been developed.
Conclusions. It is determined that the daily duration of total physical activity of urban adoles-cents should be at least 4.5-5.5 hours a day. The effectiveness of the health-training effect in boys is achieved at MVPA 50-60 minutes a day or 1.5 hours 4 times a week and in girls 40-50 minutes a day or 1.5 hours 3 times a week. The optimal frequency of exercise is 3-4 times a week. The recommend-ed duration and frequency of organized classes were revealed only in 18.5% of urban adolescents 12-15 years old. There was no statistical difference in this indicator between boys and girls.
physical activity, health, health indicators, comprehensive health index, adolescents, mathematical models.
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