Hygiene of populated places | ISSN: 2707-0441 eISSN: 2707-045X |
Issue 71, 2021 - Pages: 201-209
Å.Ì. Biletska1, N.M. Onul1, V.V. Kalinicheva1, H.M. Yuntunen2
ÓÄÊ: 614.78:616-036.3+616-008.64:577.118]-021-084
Objective. Development of comprehensive measures for individual prevention of dyslementosis in the population of the ecologically crisis area.
Research results and their discussion. The article presents a developed system of prophylactic measures to prevent the development of dyslementosis in the population of man-made contaminated areas. The methodical approach of the proposed system is based on a complex combination of the main directions of general and individual prevention, among which the main attention is paid to medical and biological measures, i.e. secondary prevention. This approach involves a phased system to detect changes in elemental status in humans, prenosological changes in the body, followed by correction of micro- and macronutrient status by selecting appropriate foods and diets, the use of enterosorbents based on pectins, diet and drugs, but taking into account the history, clinical contraindications, based on biomonitoring and under constant medical supervision.
Conclusions. The most optimal and safe is the correction of nutrition by selecting the appropriate foods. The use of individual bioprophylaxis means - enterosorbents based on pectins are recommended to the greatest extent, since they bind and exclude xenobiotics from the body, are well tolerated, have no contraindications and have high clinical and hygienic efficiency. At the expressed deficiency of minor substances in a food it is necessary to apply dietary preparations and even drugs. The choice for each person should be made taking into account the anamnesis, clinical contraindications, based on biomonitoring, under the constant supervision of a physician.
dyselementoses, prevention, health, population, industrial cities.
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