Hygiene of populated placesISSN: 2707-0441 eISSN: 2707-045X
Issue 69, 2019   -   Pages: 165-172
M.P. Hulich1, O.D. Petrenko1, L.S. Lubarskaia1, O.O. Harchenko1, O.V. Yashchenko1

ÓÄÊ: 613.2:613.955

Objective: We analyzed the organization of school nutrition in different countries for the intro-duction of the international experience in the system of organization of the children’s nutrition at sec-ondary schools in Ukraine.
Materials and methods: We used the information methods. When working with the sources of information, we analyzed the features of provision of school nutrition to school-age children in some countries.
Results and discussion: For many years the European countries have been implemented health strengthening and nutrition improvement programs at schools, including school nutrition pro-grams. The study analyzes of the international experience of the organization of school nutrition, main approaches and features of the provision of the nutrition to the children at secondary schools in different countries.
Conclusions: The necessity of the improvement of the system of school nutrition organization, taking into account international experience, is shown. The features of the organization of school nu-trition in foreign countries, which should be introduced into the nutrition of the Ukrainian schoolchil-dren, including the availability of school nutrition for children of socially vulnerable groups of the population, with the exception of sugary drinks from the food intake, restrictions on the consumption of refined fats and carbohydrates, the inclusion of more fruits, vegetables and water, a possibility for children to choose the individual dishes with adult control, the introduction of new teaching methods of the habits of healthy nutrition in the educational space of the school have been determined.

organization of nutrition, children, school age, secondary schools.

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Hulich M.P., Petrenko O.D., Lubarskaia L.S., Harchenko O.O., Yashchenko O.V. Svitovyi dosvid zaprovadzhennia planiv dii shchodo zakhystu vid radonu (ohliad) [Orhanizatsiia shkilnoho kharchuvannia: mizhnarodnyi ta vitchyznianyi dosvid]. In : Hihiiena naselenykh mists : zb. nauk. pr. [Hygiene of Populated Places]. Kyiv ; 2019 ; 69 : 165-172 (in Ukrainian).