Hygiene of populated places | ISSN: 2707-0441 eISSN: 2707-045X |
Issue 71, 2021 - Pages: 82-86
Î.V. Zorina1
ÓÄÊ: 614.777:543.3:547.4
Objective: hygienic assessment of the quality of drinking water in Ukraine in terms of formaldehyde content.
Materials and methods: studies of water quality of the Dnieper Reservoir near onshore pumping stations of the first rise, drinking after treatment at the water supply station and from the tap of consumers of PJSC «Zaporizhstal» (about 100 samples), from wells in different regions of Ukraine and packaged in plastic containers (about 150 samples). Methods: sanitary-chemical, statistical, analytical.
Results and conclusions. Monitoring studies of the water of the water supply station of the industrial enterprise of Ukraine, within the first and second zones of the zone of sanitary protection of water intake structures, which contain return water discharges, were carried out. Substances belonging to the second hazard class were found in drinking water, namely: formaldehyde in concentrations up to 1.4 hygienic standard and chloroform - up to 2.3 hygienic standard. It has been established that formaldehyde enters drinking water in transit through water treatment plants, where trihalogen methanes are formed during chlorination, which increases the risks to human health due to the summation effect. Monitoring studies of water quality from wells located in different regions of Ukraine and packaged drinking water showed the presence of formaldehyde in their composition, which is found in concentrations up to 4 hygienic standard and indicates the excessive migration capacity of polymeric materials used in the well as structural and/or for packing of drinking water. In the current conditions of imperfection of the current legislation, formaldehyde should be attributed to the problematic indicators of drinking water quality in Ukraine. On the basis of the conducted researches, it is offered to make changes in DSanPiN 2.2.4-171-10 «Hygienic requirements to drinking water intended for human consumption», in particular, to note in the document that formaldehyde should be defined in drinking water not only after its ozonation, but also in case of its contact with polymeric materials. This is taken into account in the developed draft of a new version of the relevant DSanPiN, which is supported by medical institutions with the direction of scientific activities in the field of drinking water supply and is located in the Ministry of Health of Ukraine.
formaldehyde, trihalomethanes, drinking water, water from wells.
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Zorina Î.V. Formaldehid u pytnykh vodakh za rezultatamy provedenykh doslidzhen [Formaldehyde in Drinking Waters According to the Results of the Research]. In : Hihiiena naselenykh mists : zb. nauk. pr. [Hygiene of Populated Places]. Kyiv ; 2021 ; 71 : 82-86 (in Ukrainian).