Hygiene of populated places | ISSN: 2707-0441 eISSN: 2707-045X |
Issue 71, 2021 - Pages: 25-36
V.M. Makhniuk1, A.V. Chaika1, V.V. Chorna2, I.V. Larchenko3, C.M. Mogilniy1, N.P. Pavlenko1, C.O. Melnichenko1, L.V. Peleh1
ÓÄÊ: 613.5:725.5:728.2
Goal. Analytical review of literature sources on the placement of health care facilities built into residential buildings in the context of hygienic, epidemiological, psychogenic and urban aspects in the context of dense urban development
Object and research methods. The object of the study was the work of domestic and foreign scientists on the placement of health care facilities built into residential buildings in urban areas.
The following methods were used in the work: bibliosemantic (for the analysis of the use of normative-legal regulation), theoretical (retrospective use of scientific research data), analytical.
Results of the study and their discussion. Analyzing retrospective data on the design, location and operation of various types of health care facilities, which are given in the scientific works of researchers in the field of hygiene, medicine, construction and architecture of the former Soviet Union and foreign researchers on these issues, it was found that in the period from the 1960s to the 2000s, attention was paid to the peculiarities of the location of multidisciplinary inpatient hospitals as the most common components of the then public health sector.
In Ukraine, with the use of successful foreign experience, the healthcare sector is being reformed in accordance with the regulations adopted. A large number of works by Ukrainian scientists are devoted to the issue of healthcare reform in Ukraine in the context of preserving and strengthen-ing the health of the population and systemic restructuring of the medical sector, analysis of foreign experience in this field.
According to domestic scientists, the central role in improving the efficiency of the health care system belongs to the structural reorganization of the system in accordance with the needs of the population in various types of health care, increasing the efficiency and accessibility of health care through continuous improvement of health care facilities.
In the context of creating safe conditions from the sanitary and anti-epidemic point of view for the stay of patients and medical staff in health care facilities, scientists from Ukraine and foreign countries study the conditions of inpatient health care facilities, such studies have been conducted since 1986.
Conclusions. The issue of placement of health care facilities built into residential buildings in the context of hygienic, epidemiological, psychogenic and urban aspects in the conditions of dense urban development is not raised in the scientific works of Ukrainian hygienists and researchers of ES countries. The analysis of scientific sources carried out within the framework of the research testifies to the increased attention to medical problems in inpatient departments of hospitals.
Designing the placement of health care facilities built into residential buildings is the most important stage that affects the quality of medical services both at the design stage and at the operation stage, therefore it is advisable to improve approaches to the design and placement of health care fa-cilities, in particular built into residential buildings, which is the subject of further study.
health care facilities built into residential buildings, sanitary and hygienic requirements for accommodation conditions, reforming the primary health care sector.
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Makhniuk V.M., Chaika A.V. , Chorna V.V., Larchenko I.V., Mogilniy S.M., Pavlenko N.P., Melnichenko S.O., Peleh L.V. Pytannia rozmishchennia vbudovanykh u zhytlovi budynky zakladiv okhorony zdorovia u konteksti hihiienichnykh, epidemiolohichnykh, psykhohennykh ta mistobudivnykh aspektiv (ohliad literatury) [Issues of Placement of Healthcare Installations Built into Residential Buildings in the Context of Hygienic, Epidemiological, Psychogenous Magic (Literature Review)]. In : Hihiiena naselenykh mists : zb. nauk. pr. [Hygiene of Populated Places]. Kyiv ; 2021 ; 71 : 25-36 (in Ukrainian).