Hygiene of populated placesISSN: 2707-0441 eISSN: 2707-045X
Issue 67, 2017   -   Pages: 123-127
V.I. Nazarenko1, O.I. Nykyforuk1, Y.V. Kudievsky1

ÓÄÊ: 613.648.2:57.084

The influence of the hypogeomagnetic fields (HGMP) with the levels of 25 μT, 15 μT and 7.5 μTl on the bioelectric activity of the white rats heart at the chronic exposure for 3 months was investi-gated. It has been established that the adverse effect of 15 μT level is reversible and, during the re-covery period of 1 month, the ECG values do not differ from the values in the control group. The lev-el of the hypogeomagnetic field of 7.5 μT has the ability to lead to sustained negative changes in the bioelectric activity of heart during chronic exposure that does not disappear during the recovery pe-riod. The level of HGMP 25 μT did not have a negative effect on the ECG values of white rats. The obtained data can be used in the development of preventive measures to prevent the adverse effect of this factor on the human organism.

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