Hygiene of populated placesISSN: 2707-0441 eISSN: 2707-045X
Issue 69, 2019   -   Pages: 72-78
V.O. Prokopov1, Î.V. Zorina1

ÓÄÊ: 614.777:628.1/3

Objective: We carried out a complex hygienic assessment of the quality of drinking water from water spill points for commercial purposes and pumprooms of Kyiv under modern conditions in ac-cordance with the requirements of the Ukrainian and European legislation.
Materials and methods: We analyzed technical conditions and technological instructions for the production of the investigated bottled drinking water, from the water spill points and the materials on the quality of different types of water: according to the data of KIEVVODFOND (140 water sam-ples from pumprooms of Kyiv); according to the data of our research: from the pumprooms (56 sam-ples); bottled water and from the water spill points (2001-2007 – 176 samples; 2013-2017 – 129 samples). Up to 40 sanitary-chemical parameters of drinking water quality were investigated in ac-cordance with SSanRN 2.2.4-171-10 "Hygienic Requirements for Drinking Water for Human Con-sumption". In the research, we used sanitary-chemical methods, methods of expert assessment and hygienic monitoring.
Pesults and conclusions: Of the investigated water samples of 140 pumprooms in Kyiv, 48% did not meet the hygienic requirements for sanitary-chemical parameters. On the basis of the con-struction and operational features of the use of the pumprooms in Kyiv, as well as the problematic indicators of quality of their water, it was found that there was a potential risk of the pollution of the pumproom water by the indicators of epidemic safety, which is a cause to recommend the population to use water from the pumprooms after boiling. It was determined that 57% of drinking water sam-ples from the water spill points for commercial purposes and bottled water after the direct installation of equipment or after their long production didn’t meet the hygienic requirements. Every second sample of drinking water after additional treatment of tap drinking water, first of all, of surface sources of drinking water supply, didn’t meet the hygienic requirements for the trihalomethanes con-tent. The absence of the professional selection of water treatment equipment (the violation of the cur-rent legal requirements regarding the conduction of the laboratory research of source water, selec-tion of the rational scheme, technology of water treatment) and state supervision leads to inappropri-ate drinking water quality.

bottled drinking water, from the water spill points, pumprooms.

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