Hygiene of populated placesISSN: 2707-0441 eISSN: 2707-045X
Issue 67, 2017   -   Pages: 130-137
O.V. Kononova1, A.V. Yarygin1, N.N. Steblii1

ÓÄÊ: 613.5(1-21):

Housing is one of the most important factors in the human environment. A complete housing must be dry, have a favorable climate, clean air, sufficient sunlight. Visible light plays an important role in human life. Light affects the autonomic nervous system, the formation of immune protection, growth and development, and other key processes of human life. Measurement alarm level defines features of the vigorous activity of the body and affects his health.
Aim: To study the effect of natural light in the living room on the psychosomatic condition of tenants.
Material and methods. For the study of subjective human responses to the effect of various environmental factors is advisable to use a specially designed questionnaire. Diagnosis of the level of anxiety of self-determination test was carried out by reactive and personal anxiety by Spielberger.
Results. The positive effect of sunlight natural light premises at the level of population morbid-ity. More than half of respondents – 204 (58.29%) have insufficient levels of natural insolation. Poor conditions of insolation premises increase the level of reactive and personal anxiety inhabitants. Poor conditions of natural light also affect the level of population morbidity.
Conclusions. The survey results showed that more than half of the respondents – 204 (58.29%) have insufficient levels of natural insolation premises on various parameters, and satisfying – 146 (41.71%). Deficiency of natural light and solar insolation affects the level of population mor-bidity. Testing conducted using the Spielberger test showed respondents have moderate level of reac-tive anxiety – 34.72+2.45 and a high level of personal anxiety – 50.64+3.58.
Established a definite relationship between the level of natural sunlight exposure and inci-dence of housing residents.

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