Hygiene of populated placesISSN: 2707-0441 eISSN: 2707-045X
Issue 73, 2023   -   Pages: 156-165
N.S. Polka,1, V.M. Makhniuk1, V.V. Chorna2, Î.À. Serebrennikova2, V.V. Makhniuk1

ÓÄÊ: 616-008:159.96/7:616.89:342

According to the Ministry of Health, as a result of a full-scale war in Ukraine, one in five people will have serious mental injuries, and one in ten - psychosomatic disorders of medium and severe degree. About 7.7 million internally displaced Ukrainians need psychological counselling, and 3-4 million need pharmacological treatment, these numbers are constantly increasing due to the continuation of the war. In Ukraine, psychological services function in a number of branches and state institutions separately from each other: education, emergency services, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the penitentiary system, medicine, social services, etc. In view of the existing threat to the mental health of the population, there is a great need to coordinate all these institutions into a single link of psychological assistance to the population of Ukraine by creating a corresponding draft law, which determined the relevance of our research.
The purpose of the work is the analytical study of legislative and regulatory national and international experience in the field of mental health care and the development of the draft Law of Ukraine "On psychological and psychotherapeutic assistance to the population in Ukraine" to create conditions for the prevention of mental disorders in the population in the war and post-war period.
The object of the study was current domestic legislative documents and was based on a systematic approach and analysis of the current legislative framework and its harmonization with international requirements in the field of mental health protection of the population. The work used a complex of general scientific and special research methods: bibliosemantic, theoretical, analytical.
Research results and their discussion. In the course of research, the state of provision of conditions for providing psychological and psychotherapeutic assistance to the population in Ukraine was analysed and it was established that such conditions do not exist, and there is no corresponding Law of Ukraine. Current laws and orders of various institutions indicate that such a service exists for certain groups of contingents of the population. The developed Law of Ukraine "On psychological and psychotherapeutic assistance to the population in Ukraine" updated the very paradigm of providing psychiatric care, namely the creation of conditions for the prevention of mental disorders of every citizen, and not the concentration of attention only on inpatient treatment, which corresponds to the concept of the state target program of mental health care. of Ukraine for the period until 2030.
1. As a result of a comprehensive study of the current national legislation and international experience to preserve and improve the mental health of the population of Ukraine by creating psychological and psychotherapeutic assistance to the population at the current stage, a project of the Law "On psychological and psychotherapeutic assistance to the population in Ukraine" has been developed, which is proposed to the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine. profile committee for consideration and subsequent adoption.
2. The new model of providing psychological/psychotherapeutic assistance to improve the mental health of the population of Ukraine using an interdisciplinary (multidisciplinary) approach developed by us within the framework of the said draft law needs to be implemented on the ground.

Draft law, psychological and psychotherapeutic assistance, conditions for prevention of mental disorders, international experience, war and post-war period.

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Polka NS, Makhniuk VM, Chorna VV, Serebrennikova ÎÀ, Makhniuk VV. [Relevance of the development of the law "on psychological and psychotherapeutic assistance to the population of Ukraine" to create conditions for the prevention of mental disorders in the population during the war and post-war period]. Hygiene of Populated Places. 2023;73:156-65. Ukrainian.