Hygiene of populated placesISSN: 2707-0441 eISSN: 2707-045X
Issue 73, 2023   -   Pages: 141-150
T.M. Vergeles1, I.V. Serheta1

ÓÄÊ: 378/.1/.14:159.923:614

Objective. The aim of the scientific work was to carry out a hygienic evaluation of the peculiarities of the process of formation of leading character traits under the conditions of using the distance and auditorium format of the organization of the educational process.
Materials and methods. The research was conducted on the basis of National Pirogov Memorial Medical University. 120 students, including 60 young women and 60 young men, were under supervision during the observation period. Among them, 30 young women and 30 young men were under the conditions of using the remote (on-line) format and also 30 young women and 30 young men were under the conditions of using the auditorium (off-line) format. The Mini-mult personality questionnaire was used to determine the leading character traits.
Results. It was established that during the academic year, in the structure of the generalized personal profile among young women under the conditions of the distance format of the organization of the educational process, against the background of the average normative values of indicators on most scales, a moderate advantage of the studied values was registered at the beginning of the observation period – on the scales of hysteria (Hy), hypomania (Ma), schizoid (Se) and psychasthenia (Pt), at the end of it – on the scales of hypomania (Ma), hysteria (Hy), hypochondria (Hs) and schizoid (Se). At the same time among young women under the conditions of the auditorium format of the organization of the educational process, against the background of the average normative values of indicators on most scales, a moderate advantage of the studied values was registered at the beginning of the observation period – on the scales of hypochondria (Hs), schizoid (Se), hysteria (Hy) and psychasthenia (Pt), at the end of it – on the scales of depression (D), schizoid (Se), hysteria (Hy) and psychasthenia (Pt).
At the same time in the structure of the generalized personal profile among young men under the conditions of the distance format of the organization of the educational process, against the background of the average normative values of the data on most scales, a moderate advantage of the studied values was observed at the beginning of the research period – on the scales of schizoid (Se), psychasthenia (Pt), hysteria (Hy) and paranoia (Pa), at the end of it – on the scales of psychasthenia (Pt), schizoidness (Se), hypomania (Ma) and hypochondria (Hs). At the same time, in young men under the conditions of the auditorium format of the organization of the educational process, against the background of the average normative values of indicators on most scales, a moderate advantage of the studied values was registered at the beginning of the observation period – on the scales of schizoid (Se), hysteria (Hy) and psychasthenia (Pt) and paranoia (Pa), at the end of it – on the scales of psychasthenia (Pt), paranoia (Pa), schizoid (Se) and depression (D).
Conclusions. In the course of the conducted research, an in-depth hygienic assessment of the features of the process of forming leading character traits was carried out under the conditions of using the distance and auditorial format of the organization of the educational process.

Students, character traits, distance learning, auditorial learning, hygienic assessment.

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Vergeles TM, Serheta IV. [Processes of formation of leading character traits using the distance and auditorium format of the organization of the educational process and their hygienic assessment]. Hygiene of Populated Places. 2023;73:141-50. Ukrainian.