Hygiene of populated places | ISSN: 2707-0441 eISSN: 2707-045X |
Issue 71, 2021 - Pages: 132-138
V.Ya. Akimenko1, V.Yu. Dumansky1, N.G. Nikitina1, S.V. Bitkin1, S.S. Halak1, Ye.A. Serdiuk1, O.V. Gots1, P.V. Semashko1, A.P. Bezverkha1
Goal. To analyze the methodological features of scientific substantiation of non-ionizing radiation safety standards for the health of workers and the population in the EU countries.
Object and methods of research. Analytical methods were used to study the principles and criteria of scientific substantiation of maximum permissible levels of electromagnetic fields of different frequency range, recommended by the WHO for production and in settlements.
Research results and their discussion. Emphasis is placed on the possible reasons for the differences between the EMF standards of different frequency bands, recommended by international organizations (WHO, IRPA) and those in force in Ukraine. The main difference in the use of the principles of threshold action and risk approaches based on the thermal effects of EMF is shown.
Conclusions. Changes in the legislation of Ukraine (Laws of Ukraine, Orders of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, Resolutions of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, bylaws and others) destroyed the years-old system of preventive sanitary supervision over the location of sources of possible EMF, noise and other physical factors in Ukraine.
electromagnetic fields, radio frequency range, microwave range, maximum permissible levels, non-ionizing radiation, criteria for assessing biological action.
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Akimenko V.Ya., Dumansky V.Yu., Nikitina N.G., Bitkin S.V., Halak S.S., Serdiuk Ye.A., Gots O.V., Semashko P.V., Bezverkha A.P. Pro deiaki aktualni pytannia z problem hihiienichnoi rehlamentatsii neionizuiuchykh vyprominiuvan [On Some Current Issues on the Problems of Hygienic Regulation of Non-Ionizing Radiation]. In : Hihiiena naselenykh mists : zb. nauk. pr. [Hygiene of Populated Places]. Kyiv ; 2021 ; 71 : 132-138 (in Ukrainian).